A Webinar will be held on the findings and outcomes of the project on 17/05/19 at 15h UTC lasting 2 hours.
Anybody is welcome to join. Please use the contact form and we will send you an invitation.
The slides are available here.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Introductions (5 mins)
2. Background: ROCOF uses, expectations and problems.
(10 mins + 10 mins discussion).
3. An overview of the findings of the EU ROCOF project
(15 mins + 10 mins discussion).
4. The trade-off of accuracy and latency: use-cases and waveforms.
A presentation of ROCOF use cases derived following discussions with users. This will include an associated library of representative test waveforms each with a target ROCOF accuracy for each case.
(15 mins + 10 mins discussion).
5. Algorithms and filter masks.
A presentation of filter masks for use in PMU algorithms and how they can be designed to attempt to meet the use-case requirements. This will include performance results obtained from testing the filters with the waveform library.
(15 mins + 10 mins discussion).
6. The next steps in Standardisation
ROCOF is included in IEEE/IEC Standard 60255 118-1. A discussion will be held on the state of ROCOF standardisation and how the above findings can be used to further the standards process.
(5 mins + 15 mins discussion).