October 4, 2018 A study into ROCOF use cases has been completed following survey of network operators and captured waveform data in networks in UK, NL and DK. The report considers the limitations and problems with ROCOF measurements in the context of actual use cases in real electricity grids. Working on the premise that ROCOF measurements are a trade-off of accuracy versus measurement delay (latency), the report sets out recommended accuracies and latencies for a number of use cases including ‘loss of main’ protection, ‘under frequency load shedding’ and ‘synthetic inertia’. it is envisaged that this report will feed in to the activities of standards committees IEEE/IEC 60255-118-1 on Phasor Measurement Units and IEC TC8 on frequency measurements. Please address any comments and suggested amendments to the draft report to: paul.wright@npl.co.uk. The study can be accessed using the following link: ROCOF Uses Cases and Test Conditions Public V2